Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Knee Ankle Foot Orthose (KAFO)

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh :)

Today I wanna post about Knee Ankle Foot Orthose. (KAFO)

Orthose :  a device to help weak (paralyzed) limbs
 functions of orthosis are
1. Fixation
2. Support
3. Correction
4. Relief
5. Compensation

a KAFO is a long-leg orthosis that spans the knee, the ankle, and the foot in an effort to stabilize the joints and assist the muscles of the leg. hile there are several common indications for such an Orthosis, muscle weakness and paralysis of the leg are the ones most frequently identified. The most common causes of muscle weakness include:
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • spinal cord injury
hmmmh until recently......the best option for a patient with weakness of the muscles that control the knee was to wear a KAFO with a locked knee joint. This provided stability to the knee to prevent involuntary flexion, but caused other associated problems like muscle atrophy and increased energy expenditure in gait.

Within the past few years, a newer design of knee joint has been developed that can automatically lock and unlock at the appropriate phases of the gait cycle to allow a more fluidic walking style. These knee joints can be used to create a KAFO that is appropriate for certain patients with knee weakness that fit the treatment criteria of the system

Each KAFO is custom-made to the specific requirements of the individual. There are numerous design options available that make usage of the Orthosis both functional and comfortable. A detailed examination and assessment of the patient allows us to suggest the best available component combination.

~ and now I wanna share my KAFO's fitting part ^_^ ~

the case is poliomyelitis, I use a custom plastic KAFO' design with Droplock type of knee joint

this is my patient's photos without orthosis or KAFO

 this is the white board at my class, there are many step when fitting and we make a list to make the fitting more organized.
look ! the first step is berdoa haha (pray) 

the KAFO and the equipments

my friends..uje ( left), robbi (right) . They were filing the side bar in order that smoother

 me when fitting the KAFO, and wahyu assisting me

Mr. Pras , he is my lecture ..he was trimming line the plastic so it wasn't too high and fit with the legs

me was putting on the KAFO, wahyu and Mr. Pras assist me 

this is it !
KAFO ala Afia xoxo
me, my patient using KAFO, and Mr.Pras

the KAFO isn't done anyway...it should be finished with the strap
but look, my patient looks happy with the KAFO..alhamdulillah its already fit...


cute,colorful, simple, cheerful !

okay, thanks for watching :) 
location: Orthotic Prosthetic Poltekkes Surakarta
patient: Ms. Sri Lestari

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh


Kamis, 11 April 2013

Trans-Femoral Prosthese

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh :)

Now I wanna post about the Trans-Femoral Prosthesis. trans-femoral prosthesis is a prosthesis for amputation on the femur (thigh)

almost the same as my last post about knee disarticulation prosthesis but differ on the use of knee joints, knee disarticulation prosthesis used for knee disarticulation amputee (amputasi tepat pada sendi lutut) look at that...beda kan? jangan bilang sama deh, liat dulu postingan sebelum ini :p

eh btw, do you know "prosthesis" ?

prosthesis is a device to replace the limb

they were my lecturer and my classmates ...

His name is Mr.Ipud, he also likes photography, he often captured us while working practices. hehehe 

its a single axis knee joint
it can move in one axis, to flexi-extend. like the knee joint's work

its my right foot and the foot prosthese on the left side. hihi
i think the prostese looks more cute than mine -_-

okayyyy..... thats me and my first Trans-Femoral Prosthesis. 

semoga ilmunya bermanfaat yaa..
Aamin :)

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

~see you~

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

love this tweets :)

Friday, Feb 15th 2013 I saw many tweets on my twitter home.
but there was some tweets that good to share :)

1. There is no power and strength as well as Alloh, people who plan but Alloh who decides

2. if the plan doesn't correspond to reality means there are 2 things: a plan yet mature and has not been time to materialize

3. but they still happen with the permission of Alloh. we may only see but we do not necessarily know the lessons behind it

4. if the plan isn't mature yet, so that's where the process itself to be appropriate in order to learn to be mature

5. and if the plan isn't the right time, then be prepared to find the readiness and momentum

6. so always think positive, don't blame the situation. not affected by the misleading things

7. for surely every second that we've been through, nothing wasted, nothing is coincidence, the scenario is going according to Alloh


source: @faqihlaunun 
follow my tweet @halidoong

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Knee Disarticulation Prosthesis

Knee Disarticulation Prosthese

the sketch design

the equipments

the knee disarticulation prosthese

me was putting on the prosthese to my patient

my patient was trying to walk with the new prosthese

me with my first knee disarticulation prosthese

location: Orthotic Prosthetic Poltekkes Surakarta 
patient: Mr. Sungaji

Senin, 11 Februari 2013


location : Poltekkes Surakarta Second Campus

location : Parang Tritis Beach, Yogyakarta

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013


Sundak Beach, Central Java

Indonesia Wilayah Tengah

sunrise. Sanur Beach, Bali
29 Jan 2013

Senggigi Beach, Lombok
30 Jan 2013

Malimbu Hill, Lombok
30 Jan 2013

Bedugul Lake, Bali
31 Jan 2013