Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh :)
Now I wanna post about the Trans-Femoral Prosthesis. trans-femoral prosthesis is a prosthesis for amputation on the femur (thigh)
almost the same as my last post about knee disarticulation prosthesis but differ on the use of knee joints, knee disarticulation prosthesis used for knee disarticulation amputee (amputasi tepat pada sendi lutut) look at that...beda kan? jangan bilang sama deh, liat dulu postingan sebelum ini :p
eh btw, do you know "prosthesis" ?
prosthesis is a device to replace the limb
they were my lecturer and my classmates ...
His name is Mr.Ipud, he also likes photography, he often captured us while working practices. hehehe
its a single axis knee joint
it can move in one axis, to flexi-extend. like the knee joint's work
its my right foot and the foot prosthese on the left side. hihi
i think the prostese looks more cute than mine -_-
okayyyy..... thats me and my first Trans-Femoral Prosthesis.
semoga ilmunya bermanfaat yaa..
Aamin :)
Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh
~see you~